Work Sharp Pivot Pro nažu un instrumentu asināmais 5 Zvaigzne Atsauksmes Return to Work Sharp Pivot Pro nažu un instrumentu asināmais
Kopumā Atsauksmju: 2
Vidējais Reitings:
28-03-2022Good sharpener for those who are too lazy to learn how to sharpen using whetstones. Already tested it on a few knives and scissors. However, I cannot say that this tool makes knives razor-sharp. It almost makes them but still not enough to reach that razor-sharpness level. if you truly want that kind of sharpness then better learn how to use stones, but for this sharpener still 5/5
03-09-2020Kvalitatīva prece, Piegāde bez problēmām, solītajā termiņā. teicami veic savu darbu ?