Ballistol Multipurpose oil USTA

The Ballistol multi workshop oil is a rust killer with all the valuable CLP properties:
Cleaning: Cleans dirty and oily metal parts, effortlessly removes rust film and cleans of foreign particles.
Lubricating: Keeps moving parts running smoothly. Chains, sprockets, ball bearings, hinges, telescopic hoists, etc. remain in good condition, mechanical wear is prevented.
Protecting: Reliably protects iron, steel and non-ferrous metals from rust and corrosion, even in extreme weather.
The Ballistol multi-workshop oil is silicone, PTFE, acid and resin-free and does not resinify.
Ballistol multi-workshop oil is lubricating, creeps into the finest cracks and corners, displaces water from metal surfaces, infiltrates moisture, does not become resinous or sticky. It contains no silicones or chlorinated hydrocarbons. Ballistol multi-workshop oil is the versatile and inexpensive liquid tool for almost every purpose.
Industry and trade: Ballistol multi-workshop oil is ideal for the maintenance and care of machines and devices of all kinds. Reliable preservation of precision tools and measuring devices, molds and punches. Excellent temporary rust protection for intermediate storage of finished and semi-finished steel and iron parts. Proven as a transport preservation for road, rail and overseas transport.
Agriculture: Ballistol multi-workshop oil cares for all machines and devices in field and forest use. Care, rust protection and lubrication in one. Best suited for tractors, trailers, rotary mowers, harvesters, hay tedders, seed drills and linkage. Everything stays in top working order, even in the most adverse weather conditions!
Household and garden: Ballistol multi-workshop oil keeps everything that could creak, squeak or lock in good condition. Whether door locks, window hinges, bicycles and motorbikes. Everything works like new, is protected and maintained. In the garden it is used for the maintenance, care and protection of hose trolleys, lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, edge trimmers, rakes, spades and rakes.
Automotive sector: With Ballistol multi-workshop oil, there are no longer any cumbersome and sluggish hinges. It works on jammed trunk locks, loosens seized screw connections and fits, prevents door locks from freezing in winter, and protects all metal parts against corrosion for a long time. Ballistol multi-workshop oil has also proved its worth as a chain oil for motorcycles.
Brand country - Germany