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MORAKNIV Companion Heavy duty MG (C) Carbon steel knife Обзоры Вернуться к MORAKNIV Companion Heavy duty MG (C) Carbon steel knife

MORAKNIV Companion Heavy duty MG (C) Carbon steel knife
Всего отзывов: 1
Средний рейтинг: 5
4 Звезда
3 Звезда
2 Звезда
1 Звезда

MORAKNIV Companion HeavyDuty MG лесной нож

  • MORAKNIV Companion Heavy duty MG (C) Carbon steel knife

    The knife arrived very fast in good condition and is a very impressive item. It is the sharpest knife right out of the box I've ever seen! The sheath is solid and attaches to a belt by pushing the clip downward on the belt from above. A great gift or an extra to keep around. If you have carbon steel, it will rust without some minimal periodic maintenance (keep it dry and it requires light oiling once in a while).
    Riga - Latvia
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