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Lynxgear Range measure bracelet with skeletal head

Average Rating: 5

Bracelet for attaching on the gear and counting the length of walked distance during patrol.
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 5,95 €
Incl. VAT 21%: 1,03 €

Bracelet for attaching on the gear and counting the length of walked distance during patrol. This version comes with skeletal head.
Made of US paracord without inner cords and with plastic pearls. 
Size: approx. 28 cm.

This is manual distance caunter like in old school military and scoutism. Very handy if GPS is out of batteries.
To use this tool, you need to be able to count 100 m in distance. In order to do that easier way is to know by heart how many steps you have in this distance. 
Nine pearls are used for each 100 meters (you go 100 m, you pull down 1 pearl and so on). Second pearl group is used for kilometers. 
We recommend to tie bracelet on vest on both ends closer to the hand which is not your shooting hand. Meter counter part on the bracelet should be lower as it is used more often. 
Very useful when you need to check the distance according to map, especially in not familiar areas. 

Made by Lynxgear.

Lynxgear Distances mērīšanas aksesuārs ar skeletgalvu
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  • Lynxgear Distances mērīšanas aksesuārs ar skeletgalvu

    Labs, praktisks un simpātisks rīks, tikai jāpiedomā, lai pārvadājot un ekspluatējot netiktu pakļauta fiziskai ietekmei, jo plastmasas lodītes mīl saplīst, kas padara rīku par daļēji funkcionālu.
    Lielvārde - Latvia
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